Founded in 1997, Unley Concert Band is an A-grade wind ensemble located in Adelaide’s leafy inner suburbs greenbelt and one of the premier concert bands in Australia.

We are a diverse group of approximately sixty members, and aim to offer players and audiences the highest quality of community musicianship in Adelaide.
The band celebrated its 25th Anniversary in 2022.
Recent successes include competing in the 2023 National Band Championships in Newcastle where we came second among many other top level bands as well as defending our South Australian A Grade title for the 12th year straight in 2024.

Our current musical director is Colin Prichard, the principal trombonist of the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra.
In addition to public performances and our concert series, we also regularly play in competitions and band festivals. Our marching band also participates in events such as the National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant and the ANZAC Day March.

Register as a Friend of the Band for free to receive information about our upcoming concerts! You can also email our secretary to be added to our mailing list at [email protected].
Follow us on Facebook for regular updates.

We warmly thank the City of Unley for their continued support.